Privacy policy

How we protect your privacy

The purpose of these Principles on Processing Personal Data for BiQ Group a.s., customers (“the Controller”) issued by BiQ Group a.s. with head office Doudlebská 1699/5, Nusle, 140 00 Praha, CRN: 29155495 registered at the Commercial Registry at Municipal Court in Prague, section C file 204933, is to inform the data subject whose personal data may be processed, what personal data BiQ Group a.s. processes as a controller in the provision of their Services, during visits to websites operated by BiQ Group a.s. and contacts with potential customers, for what purposes and for how long BOOTIQ has processed these personal data in accordance with applicable law, to whom and for what reason may also transfer them, and also indicate what rights the data subject has in relation to the processing of his/her personal data.

These Principles applies to the personal data processing of customers and their respective representatives or contact persons, service users, people interested in services, and BiQ Group a.s.-operated website visitors, always within the scope of personal data corresponding to their status toward BOOTIQ.

These Principles are issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Individuals in the Processing of Personal Data (“the Regulation” or “the GDPR”) in order to ensure the information obligation of BiQ Group a.s. as the Controller according to Art. 13 of the GDPR.

Data Recipients

Your personal data may be made available to other entities involved in the processing of your personal data under the contract solely for the purposes specified in the “Purposes, Legal Grounds and Time of Personal Data Processing” section. These are mainly providers of third-party IT services and applications, processors providing personal data processing services for marketing purposes, and other entities that provide our services to our company.

Purposes, Legal Grounds and Time of Personal Data Processing

The extent of the data processed depends on the purpose of the processing. For some purposes, it is possible to process data directly on the basis of a contract, the legitimate interest of BiQ Group or on the basis of the law (without consent), for others only under consent.

  • Processing Due to Performance of a Contract, the Fulfillment of Legal Obligations and Due to the Legitimate Interests of  BiQ Group

The provision of personal data necessary for the performance of the contract, the fulfillment of statutory obligations by  BiQ Group  and the protection of  BiQ Group ’s legitimate interests is mandatory. Without the provision of personal data for these purposes, it would not be possible to provide services. We do not need approval to process personal data for these purposes, but we can object to the processing of personal data for BOOTIQ’s legitimate interests. Processing due to the performance of the contract and fulfillment of statutory obligations cannot be refused.

  • Processing of Personal Data with Consent for Marketing Purposes

With the customer’s consent,  BiQ Group processing personal data for marketing purposes. Direct marketing is considered a suitable tool to alert you to new services or benefits we have prepared for our customers, or in cooperation with our contractual partners. In order to prepare a properly targeted offer, we need to process your data for this offer. On the basis of the targeted offer, you will only get information that can be of interest to you. We do not want to bother you with offers that are not relevant to you. If you have granted us consent to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, we are authorized on our own or through intermediaries to use your data for the submission of business offers, marketing services, offers of electronic communications services and value added services and for other purposes agreed upon with you. In regards to the offer of BOOTIQ services or possible from contractual partners, we will notify by telephone, through banners on our website, in writing on documents or other media, as well as in the form of business offers sent via SMS, e-mail, or MMS. We process personal data for marketing purposes for the period specified in the agreement or its revoking. We believe that we will offer you better services and great deals on the basis of targeted offers. However, you have the right to refuse the sending of electronic mail at any time.

  • Processing of Personal Data of Persons Who Have Granted Consent to Marketing Contact via Electronic Contact

For entities that have agreed to marketing contact via electronic contact, the  BiQ Group  shall, with their consent, process the contacts made available to it by the entity for the purposes of marketing contact with  BiQ Group  service offers. If this consent is granted through an  BiQ Group -operated website, the  BiQ Group  cookie data stored on the websites for which has been granted this consent is processed along with these contacts only if the cookies are enabled in the web browser.

The Rights of Data Subjects in Relation to the Processing of Personal Data

The data subject has the following rights in case  BiQ Group  identifies him/her as a natural person and demonstrates his/her identity. These rights must be exercised in the manner determined for the application of a particular law and not to the address of the responsible person. Requests made in breach of these policies will not be taken into consideration. Those rights may also be exercised only in relation to personal data which undoubtedly belong to the applicant.

  • Right of Access to Personal Data

According to Article 15 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right of access to personal data, which includes the following rights:

  • receiving confirmation of processing personal data,
  • obtaining information on the purposes of processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients to which the personal data have been or will be made available, the planned processing period, the existence of the right to require the controller to fix or delete personal data relating to the data subject or to limit their processing or to object to such processing, file a grievance with a supervisory authority, about all available information about the personal data source, unless it is obtained from the data subject, the fact that automated decision making takes place, including profiling, on appropriate safeguards in providing data outside the EU,
  • obtain a copy of the personal data in case that the rights and freedoms of others are not adversely affected.

In the event of a repeated request, BiQ Group  will be entitled to charge a reasonable fee for a copy of the personal data. In the event that the exercise of the right to a copy of personal data could, in relation to certain categories of personal data, adversely affect the rights and freedoms of third parties.

  • Right to Correct Inaccurate Data

According to Article 16 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to correct inaccurate personal data that will be processed by BiQ Group. The Customer also has the obligation to notify BiQ Group on changing their personal data and to demonstrate that such a change has occurred. At the same time, the customer is required to cooperate with the BiQ Group if it is found that the personal data processed by the BiQ Group are inaccurate. BiQ Group will make a correction without undue delay, but always in view of the technical possibilities.

  • Right of Deletion

According to Article 17 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to delete personal data concerning him/her if the BiQ Group does not provide reasonable grounds for processing such personal data. BiQ Group has set up mechanisms to ensure the automatic anonymization or deletion of personal data if no longer needed for the purpose for which they were processed. However, if the data subject considers that his/her personal data have not been deleted, he may repeat the deletion request.

  • Right to Limitation of Processing

According to Article 18 of the GDPR, the data subject shall have the right to limit the processing, if he/she disclaims the accuracy of the personal data, the reasons for its processing, or if he/she opposes the processing of the data, by submitting a written request to the registered office address of the BiQ Group.

  • Right to Notify About Corrections, Deletions, or Limitations of Processing

According to Article 19 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to be notified by the BiQ Group in the event of correction, deletion or limitation of the processing of personal data. If personal data are corrected or deleted, BiQ Group will inform each recipient except where this proves to be impossible or requires unreasonable effort. At the request of the data subject, BiQ Group may provide information about these recipients.

  • The Right to the Portability of Personal Data

According to Article 20 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to request from the BiQ Group personal data relating to him/her, which he/she has provided to BiQ Group in connection with an employment contract or on the basis of consent, and which are processed in an automated manner in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to request the transfer of such data to another controller as far as technically possible.

In the event that the exercise of this right could adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, the request cannot be accepted.

  • Right to Object to the Processing of Personal Data

According to Article 21 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to object to the processing of his/her personal data because of the legitimate interest of the BiQ Group.

In the event that BiQ Group cannot establish that there are serious legitimate grounds for processing which overrides the interests or rights and freedoms of the data subject, the BiQ Group shall terminate the processing on the basis of the objection without undue delay. The objection may be sent in writing to the address of the BiQ Group registered office.

The data subject has the right to object to the processing of personal data relating to him/her for the purpose of direct marketing. If the data subject objects to the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, BiQ Group may not process personal data for the purpose of direct marketing.

  • Right to Revoke Consent to the Processing of Personal Data

You may at any time appeal to the processing of your data for marketing purposes on the basis of an

  • express,
  • understandable and
  • definite manifestation of will (e.g., an email  to, a letter of recommendation, a phone call, etc., or by any other means specified on our website after your proper identification).
  • Right to Contact the Office for Personal Data Protection

The data subject has the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection with head office at address Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7, if you feel that your rights to personal data protection have been violated.

If you have any requests considering the matters related to the personal data processing, the enforcement of rights, filing a complaint, etc., you can contact:

Your request will be settled without undue delay, at the latest within one month. In exceptional cases, particularly due to the complexity of your request, we are entitled to extend the period by two more months. You will be informed in case of the extension and the justification.


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